Saturday, January 23, 2016

iPad Apps at Elgin High School

By pr_ip Primus Inter Pares [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

There are over 200,000 educational apps in the Apple Apps Store, and nearly 2 million apps altogether. At Elgin High School, the students and teachers do not as many to choose from, but there are a good amount to help in learning and showing their learning. The following is a presentation I made to run down some of my favorite apps in Self Service (JAMF Software version of regulated app store).  Hopefully this list will help you in planning and experimenting with apps and the iPad. No matter what app you choose, remember always start with two questions:

1.What is it that you want your students to learn? ie. TEK, Common Core Standard, NGSS, etc.

2.How do you want your students to show their learning? This could be vague or very specific, but the more choice the more ownership of the learning.

What some other apps you would include on this list?  Of the apps listed, how else do you use them?